Founded in 1999, Stirring is one of the oldest continuously publishing journals on the internet.
Stirring is an electronic quarterly journal.
Olga Roshchina
The Secret
120 film, 2022
“Practicing Peace” by Elizabeth Birch
“Journey into a Blue Landscape” by Iain Britton
“A Portrait of the Patient with Migraine and Carnations,” “The Patient Awakens with Midnight Migraine,” “The Patient Confides in Herself” by Jessica Furtado
“Blanket” by E. Laura Golberg
“Crow pawns his feathers for a hint of knowing,” “Crow spies a hole in the ground” by Peter Grandbois
“Seventh Period” by Mary Ann Honaker
“Lighting Up in the Bomb Shelter” by Celia Lawren
“Regret,” “Creatures Suddenly,” “Ars Poetica, 1970” by Diane LeBlanc
“The chattering embers” by Lisa Sultani
Sarah Wirth
Fragments of a Girl
Acrylic on canvas, 2021
24 x 18 inches
Art on homepage:
Olga Roshchina, The Secret
Sarah Wirth, Fragments of a Girl