Journey into a Blue Landscape

that mountain hunched by ancient fits - touched by too much sun
keels over every day - sinking deep in its shadow – i’m telling you
there are people on these streets already walking in circles
at Kelly Tarlton’s Underwater World
the sharks & smaller fish are swimming in circles too - a council truck
half-broom half-vacuum cleaner - siphons past polishing gutters
every morning when i open my eyes
this blue landscape of a city is ready for business - i hear shoes clattering
voices shouting - dust falling layer upon layer upon my consciousness
you toy with things - you shift - assemble – disassemble - red parasols
have been opened on the beach - families arrive & dig in against families
they take off their clothes - the sun picks at their skin - the next ocean
surge will change everything - i’m telling you
that mountain over there
will have hoisted us onto its shoulders 

Iain Britton's poetry has been nominated in the UK for a Forward Prize for Best Single Poem and Best First Collection. Like This Press, Oystercatcher Press, Interactive Press & Lapwing Publications have published pamphlets and small collections. Poems have been published or are forthcoming in Harvard Review, POETRY, The New York Times, Poet Lore, Stand, Wild Court, New Humanist, The Scores Journal, Agenda, New Statesman, Prototype, Poetry Wales, Poetry Birmingham, Amsterdam Review and many others. The Intaglio Poems was published by Hesterglock Press 2017. A chapbook – Project Constellation - was published by Sampson Low 2022.