
Because Kate is almost six feet tall, the afghan
I crocheted for her has 210 five-and-a-half inch
squares that I’m slowly sewing together.
This blanket is like marriage, I tell my husband,
you can't have one part without the rest.
I think to myself, “I can't have our forty years
together without this new situation: you put
a pot on the stove and I smell it burning.”

The satisfaction of each finished square--
our joy in theater, watching films;
how we laugh together; those myriad
contented years, piles of squares rising,
is altered now.  I am forced to take
this whole enormous blanket and love it. 

A Pushcart and Best of the Net nominated poet, E. Laura Golberg’s work has appeared in Rattle, Poet Lore, Barrow Street, Birmingham Poetry Review, RHINO, and the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics, among other venues. She won first place in the Washington, DC Commission on the Arts Larry Neal Poetry Competition.