
Even after you remove
the turtle, the tarot card,
and the last word, 
your time capsule 
bulges. You regret 
filling the hummingbird
feeder before you left home.
By you I mean me. 
By time capsule, a past
sulking, unsaid. 
My regret is not syrup
dripping to the porch, 
calling ants. My regret
is the bird consuming 
its weight in sugar 
and returning tomorrow
to the empty feeder. 

Creatures Suddenly

After a neighbor 
repairing his garden trellis
tells me rain 
makes the melon, 
I hold so tightly 
this image of rain 
inflating flesh 
and seed 
I almost forget 
last night’s dream 
of lions 
their golden bodies 
through hemlocks 
and splashing 
into a swimming pool,
creatures suddenly 
too small for their bones,
then bored, 
leaping from the water
and following me,  
my flesh cinched 
like a raincoat 
on a clear day.

Ars Poetica, 1970

On Sunday mornings at Penn’s Market, 
my father and I huddled in the dim aisle 
in front of the deli case 
waiting for the butcher to see us 
through the small window of 
the cutting room door. 
When he appeared – hair matted, glasses smudged,
wiping his hands on a bloody apron – 
he greeted my father by name 
and shook his jowls about the price of gas 
as he rolled our hot dogs 
in clean white paper. 
I’d go with my father to stare through the glass
at animals turned inside out, blooming red,
ribboned with pale fat. 
But I saw, too, how the butcher taped our parcel,
priced it with a black marker, and handed it to my father
as if it were a heavy stone 
before he returned to his real work of finding 
a grain to follow, a muscle’s shape, 
an animal within the animal.

Diane LeBlanc is a writer, teacher, and book artist with roots in Vermont, Wyoming, and Minnesota. She is the author of The Feast Delayed (Terrapin Books, 2021) and four poetry chapbooks. Poems and essays appear in Bellevue Literary Review, Cimarron Review, Mid-American Review, Stirring, Sweet Lit, and Southern Humanities Review, among others. Diane is a holistic life coach with emphasis in creativity practice. She is a professor and writer in residence at St. Olaf College. Read more at www.dianeleblancwriter.com .