Rime in the Guadalupes

steeper than the road
through los Mansos
these mountains of reef rock
these crags of living things
more ancient than name itself
rose in your eyes at our meeting
you said the madrone trunks
along the arroyo
fluttered like painted grasshoppers
then against the soaptree yucca
your breath froze into rime
greeting it good morning
I am nearest to greeting you
by evening the cloud weavers
will have worked their shuttle
into a blanket a thousand years long

J. R. Forman is an internationally published poet and critic whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in such publications as Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Literature of the Americas, Contemporary Studies in Modernism, Ramify, Make It New, and Clemson University Press. He was a 2019 finalist for the Julia Darling Memorial Poetry Prize. He received a PhD in philology, linguistics, and literature at the University of Salamanca, Spain, and a PhD in literature and MA in English at the University of Dallas, along with a BA in liberal arts at St. John’s College, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Forman is an alum of the Ezra Pound Center for Literature Writing Workshop at Brunnenburg Castle, Italy. He has lived and studied extensively in Europe and Central America, while his work reflects the stories and voices of Appalachia and the Southwest. He is currently a lecturer in Literature and Philosophy at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas.